In the gym you meet Marnie and she gives you a League Card then leaves. Your task is to get to Ballonlea through Glimwood Tangle. After they're taken away, the historical site collapses and we see two statues of Pokémon Bede was recruited by Rose to take the gym challenge. Go there and you see Bede and a Copperajah damaging the ruins to find Wishing Stars and battles youĭefeat him and Rose & Oleana come to chastise him and disqualify him from the gym challenge. When you leave, SOnia appears and you hear a problem at the nearby ruins. For example Dino and Bird gives Arctozolt Give them two different fossils and they'll make you a Pokémon using them. Person in Route 6 is researching fossils. Then, Opal appears and gives you her League Card

Hop mentions how he feels like he's letting down Leon and wants to make sure he gets stronger. Go to Route 6 and you'll find Team Yell wanting to help a Silicobra sleep but won't let you through as you're too loud. Go through the vault and you'll meet Raihan who will show you through it and give you a league card
He then suggests you go to the vault before Route 6 When you do, he will explain how the gym doubles as an Energy Plant which powers Galar. Bede mentions how Wishing Stars solve the problem Galar is having and that they need more than them, but a trainer too. In Hammerlocke you see Rose, Oleana and Bede. When you get to Hammerlocke, Bede will say Hop is lagging behind, probably defeated. However, Bede comes and interrupts and taunts Hop. As you head off, Nessa, Milo and Kabu come to see you off to the next part of Galar. You're told to go to the Wild Area and head towards Hammerlocke.