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Shadows grow long on the ground, and the chill in the air foretells that something is coming. These centurions lead the vanguard of the dragonlords’ forces, terrifying any who stand up to their might. Their ranks are bolstered by dragon hybrid centurions, hybrids blessed with power enough to rival any dragon. Created by the secret magic of the dragonlords, these hybrids incorporate attributes of their dragon progenitors into a humanoid form, the ideal footsoldiers in the dragon army.
#Painting descent legends of the dark free#
Now, dragon hybrid harbingers fly on swift wings to announce the return of the dragonlords, using spear and shield to subjugate the free peoples of Terrinoth. Many of the peoples of Terrinoth banded together to resist the dragons, but the war ended as suddenly as it had begun, with the dragons returning to their distant homeland laden with plundered magical treasures. The world of Mennara itself roiled under the baleful, consuming heat of the terrible invaders, and the Elder Kings were slain and their kingdoms destroyed. The dragons burned cities and slew scores of great heroes who fought against them valiantly and desperately. Nearly five hundred years after the defeat of Waiqar, the dragonlords fell upon Terrinoth in a great storm of talons and flame, driven with a hunger for the near-infinite magic of the Stars of Timmorran. These undead wights retain much of the martial expertise they wielded in life and do not tire as a normal warrior would, making them fearsome opponents on the field.
#Painting descent legends of the dark full#
The bodies of the dead may prove as deadly as their spirits, rising from their graves full of hatred for the living. These echoes of the living haunt the forbidding corners of Terrinoth and beckon others to their doom. Untold numbers of ghosts and spirits have fallen under the sway of Waiqar, and he holds many specters in his death-cold grip. For six years, Waiqar’s undead warriors scourged the lands of Terrinoth, until at last Kellos, the holy champion now worshipped as a god made flesh, united the peoples of Terrinoth and drove Waiqar back to his mist-shrouded domain, in the Thirteenth Barony.

The Second Darkness began as he and his death knights pursued the Stars of Timmorran, the shattered but still-powerful remains of the powerful magical artifact known as the Orb of the Sky. Once a mighty general in the war against Llovar and his horde, Waiqar became jealous and mistrustful of his ally Timmorran, succumbing to the allure of necromancy and dark magics. Scant decades after Terrinoth averted destruction at the hands of Llovar and his demonic horde, the realm was again fighting a war for its very survival. With a gesture, they can spark a person’s heart aflame, setting their blood to boiling.
#Painting descent legends of the dark torrent#
Bloodwitches can read the future by gazing into the crimson torrent of a fresh-made wound. Touched by the demonic darkness of the Ru and frothing with murderous frenzy, Uthuk berserkers have forsaken drill and formation as well as armor and shield, scorning anything that might slow their headlong charge into the fray. Only the combined strength of the free people under the leadership of the legendary wizard Timmorran and the great general Waiqar Sumarion prevented the Uthuk victory as the horde were pushed back to the Ru Darklands. The era when he and his forces attacked is known as the First Darkness, the conflict that nearly destroyed all civilization. To conquer the world of Mennara for his demonic patrons, he raised a great war host of his people-the Uthuk Y’llan-as well as demons, orcs, dragons, and any others who would fight alongside him. Llovar Rutonu was a Dream Walker of immense power who had been born with a gift for magic and a connection to the forces of that cursed, demonic realm known as the Ynfernael. It will fall to six heroes and their allies to protect the Barony of Forthyn from the shadow of the next Darkness in Descent: Legends of the Dark. That time has now come, as all three of Terrinoth’s ancient enemies rise once more.

Scholars refer to these three eras of strife and chaos as the three Darknesses, and fear the coming of the Fourth Darkness.

The ravening hordes of the Uthuk Y’llan, the undead legions of Waiqar the Betrayer, and the fearsome might of the Dragonlords were stopped only thanks to brave heroes rising to safeguard the realm.

Terrinoth, the Land of Steel, has thrice come close to total destruction at the hands of its ancient enemies.